2024-10-11 15:03:56 小编: 我要评论
Junior Complete Year One Story Levels Ghostly Treasure Collect 500 ghost studs (Years 1-4) Watch Out! Knock over ten characters using a ride-able object (Years 1-4) Senior Complete Year Two Story Levels Prefect Complete Year Three Story Levels Multiplier Collect 10 million studs in one level (Years 1-4) Teacher's Pet Complete All Story Lessons (Years 1-4) Back in Time Use the Time-Turner Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Complete "Dark Times" Quick Quidditch Complete the Quidditch level within five minutes Head Boy Complete Year Four Story Levels Story Complete! Complete the Story Levels in all four years Quiet Please! Turn the sound down to 0 and music off in the options menu whilst in the library (Years 1-4) Arachnophobic Defeat 20 spiders with Ron (Years 1-4) Building Blocks Complete all the LEGO Builder tutorial levels Good Dog Defeat 20 enemies with Fang (Years 1-4) Power Up! Collect all of the Red Bricks (Years 1-4) Chilled Out Freeze 20 characters using Glacius (Years 1-4) Crest Collector Collect all of the house crests in Year 1 Off the Beaten Track Complete "Dumbledore's Army" Crest Fanatic Collect all of the house crests in Year 2 Attempt to Resist Complete "Focus!" Stud Magnet Get True Wizard in every level (Years 1-4) Did Santa Eat That Cake? Complete "Kreacher Discomforts" Lessons Learned Complete all lessons (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) Ultra Collector Collect all of the house crests in Year 3 Solid Snape Hide in a barrel as Snape (Years 1-4) Wonderful Weasleys Buy the entire Weasley family (Years 1-4) Accordion to Grawp Complete "A Giant Virtuoso" The Ultimate Collector Collect all of the house crests in Year 4 Quidditch Team Buy the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team from Book One He's Back! Complete "A Veiled Threat" Chair-ismatic Complete "Out of Retirement" Phoenix Rising Complete Year 5 A Sirius Family Issue Defeat Bellatrix as any Sirius Black character variant in a duel Halfway There Unlocked on hitting 50% game completion (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) The Bonus Level is Yours Collect all of the Gold Bricks (Years 1-4) Boo! Scare 20 students using a ghost character (Years 1-4) The Slug Club Complete "Just Desserts" Dumbledore's Demise Complete "Horcrux and the Hand" Hogwarts has Changed Visit the Hogwarts Foyer in Year 7/8 We are the D.A. Unlock all of the members of Dumbledore's Army (Single Player Only) Tall Order Unlock ALL of the Order of the Phoenix character variants (Single Player Only) A Minifig's Best Friend Unlock every character with a pet (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) Witch! Unlock all witch characters (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) Cake or Death Eater? Complete "The Seven Harrys" I am the Half-Blood Prince Complete Year 6 A Riddle Revealed Complete "Felix Felicis" Sectumsempra Complete "Love Hurts" Weasleys' Wizard Woes Complete "A Not So Merry Christmas" Pyjama Drama Unlock every pyjama character variant (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) You're the Best Complete the game to 100% (Years 1-4) Dark Wizards Buy every version of Voldemort (Quirrell/Tom Riddle/Voldemort) (Years 1-4) Dark Times Ahead Unlock every bad wizard (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) Animagus Unlock all Animagi (Years 1-4) Defeating the Object Defeat the mountain troll, using Quirrell Lighten Up Use the Deluminator Voldemort's Demise Complete "The Flaw in the Plan" Avid Reader Use a Quibbler dispenser 25 times All Was Well Complete Year 8 Lumos Solem Destroy 50 Devil's Snare plants (Years 1-4) Kick the Bucket Complete "Snape's Tears" The Tale of the Three Brothers Complete "Lovegood's Lunacy" Student Rescue Rescue all students in peril (Years 1-4) A Wise Disguise Complete "Magic is Might" Shedding Skin Complete "In Grave Danger" Soul Searching Complete "Sword and Locke t" Wit Beyond Measure… Complete "Fiendfyre Frenzy" You and Whose Army? Complete "Burning Bridges" Here Lies a Free Elf Complete "DOBBY!" To Be Continued Complete Year 7 "That's Unfortunate" Complete "The Thief's Downfall" Undesirable No. 1 Complete "Back to School" Muggle Trouble Defeat 10 enemies with a Muggle character (Years 1-4) But… I Am The Chosen One Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) O Children Complete the scene where Hermione and Harry dance in the tent Knuts and Vaults Collect 1 billion studs (Single Player Only) (Years 5-7) Collector's Dream Complete the Bonus Level (Years 5-7) Quirrell Quandary Defeat Quirrell in the Quirrell boss fight, using Voldemort Role Reversal Defeat Harry (as Voldemort), in the Graveyard A Dish Best Served Cold Defeat Bellatrix with Neville (Waiter) in a duel Not "Fun Guys" Defeat 30 Red Caps Weasley Does It Use a Weasley box with every Weasley What If? Defeat every Harry Free Play variant as Lord Voldemort (Years 5-7) 以上就是乐高哈利波特合集全成就一览,这些成就做起来都很激动人心,每达成一个成就就代表我们的魔法能力又增强了一点。 推荐攻略:价格介绍合集[共1286款]
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